I just turned 55. Even if I didn’t remember, I’m sure the AARP won’t let me forget it: They’ve send me an application every year since I turned 50, and I’m sure this year’s is sitting in my post office box even as we speak. I’ve always loved my birthday. It was the start of…
Cool people
First Step’s a Doozy!
Would you rather have the ability to be invisible or to fly? I always pick fly (just like I always pick being a rock star over a movie star. And Patrick always picks talking with animals over anything.). So when the opportunity to fly (more specifically jump) with the US Army Golden Knights came, I was…
My Friend, Stu
In my brain, I knew Stu’s last relapse was a bad one. But it was Stu, so my heart figured it might be a little longer than usual, but I’d see him confronting his haters on Twitter (I asked why he even bothered answering them, but it was just another sport to him, I think) and looking better than he felt on tv
The Christmas Gift of Freedom
It’s not the first time a volunteer day with the National Ability Center made me want to cry, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.