To quote a good friend describing a blessing that took an inordinately and impressively long time: Well, that was a lot.
The “am” in Team
This Ironman is different. Of course, they’re all different, but for this one, I’M different. In three days, I’ll be among a couple of thousand athletes launching on a 140 mile day for all kinds of reasons.
After 24 Half-ironman races, Something New and Excitingly Different (but not Awesome)
Race morning broke, and I woke up at my usual race day 4:45 am…… and laid there for another hour and a half.
Ride for the Roses
Way back in 2002, I flew to Austin, TX for my first Ride for the Roses weekend. It’s a century (100 mile) bike ride for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I called in every favor I could to meet and get a photo with Lance, and I did. The photo didn’t last the weekend (new digital…
Who’s the Big Kahuna Now?? (Race Report)
Because I rarely do research before races anymore, I figured I was going to have a warm ocean swim, flat coastal ride, and whatever kind of run at the Big Kahuna half-ironman in Santa Cruz Sunday. Luckily, we arrived in time to do a little recon. The end of the run was in the sand…
Triathlon with Imaginary Training, or “Let’s Make a Deal”
The way I laid my summer out, it looked like I’d have decent triathlon training, even with, what, eight or nine weeks of travel, mostly right before the Jordanelle Olympic Tri near Park City. I actually got great bike training on the Road to Discovery trip from Austin to Baltimore. I rode 40 or more…