You know how when you miss a turn that your Tom Tom or Garmin tells you to take, the device, after giving up on you, says it’s “re-routing?” That’s me now. My October was beautifully laid out with a race for the Ullman Foundation in Maryland, a trip to watch friends race Kona, my Livestrong…
The Cancer Chapters
Fun with Pain Meds and Bugs Bunny Eyes
I was truly surprised when my surgeon told me I might have to stay in the hospital more than one night. I’d predicted I’d be back at my friend, Jamie’s house by Friday at the latest. Apparently, I don’t need drugs to be delusional; I just was released this afternoon, after a 5-day stay… And…
Here we go again
It’s not a comforting thought, but I’m familiar territory . That 8cm mass is malignant right behind the sternum.. My cancer doc doesn’t think it’s left over from my first wrestling match with cancer. Comforting until you realize this is another “out of the blue” cancer.So far, here are the facts as I know or…
The Cancer Diaries, May 2002
In April 2001, I was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer. I was a news anchor for WESH-TV, and there was no way I’d be able to hide the soon-to-be bald head, freakishly pale skin, and weight loss of chemotherapy…. or the repeated multiple days I’d miss from work. I also didn’t want to push…
The Cancer Diaries, April 2002
In April 2001, I was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer. I was a news anchor for WESH-TV, and there was no way I’d be able to hide the soon-to-be bald head, freakishly pale skin, and weight loss of chemotherapy…. or the repeated multiple days I’d miss from work. I also didn’t want to push…
The Curve Ball
407-898-5452. Twelve years ago, that was a number I either called or received calls from several times a week. For months. Despite that, I never put it in the speed dial of my cell phone. Maybe it was a small measure of control I could wield… Maybe it was a teeny bit of denial.. Maybe…