I’m not sure why I wasn’t confident this time. Completely baseless, as I told Patrick. But going in to this CT scan, I was fully expecting the tumors to have grown. Part of the reason may be that I looked over the http://www.clinicaltrials.gov page recently, and I read that the goal for my trial was to have…
An Underdog Kind of Day
I was sure Underdog said it. I’ve actually spent the bulk of my 8-dollar Southwest wifi fee trying to prove it, but there’s no need to fear, that Underdog quote’s NOT here. He was NOT the one who said, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” So far today, though, putting pooch and proverb together is…
Redefining the Cancer “Patient”
A couple of weeks ago, I was chatting with my nephew, Matt, and he remarked, “You changed the way I think a cancer patient is.” I didn’t need to ask him what he meant, because at one time in my life (granted, it was a long, LONG time ago), I probably thought of cancer patients…
Back in 19…. (OK, 84!), I was a reporter at my first television station in Abilene, Texas. For my birthday, my parents gave me a day with a performance consultant. She was going to polish my self-admittedly raw skills and accelerate my improvement. After a half-day with her, she told me that there were many…
Update, the Primaries Edition
My heart is racing. Not over the political primaries; that mostly has my brain exploding. I have a new side effect, but I’m not sure what it’s a side effect OF. I have Tachycardia, rapid heart rate, which may require yet another drug for the side effect of a side effect of treatment. Is it…
It is not Definitely Not Working (Not much of this cancer stuff makes sense to me either)
So as not to bury my lead and to help you try to decipher the title of this post, the headline is that I am still in the PHA clinical trial at Georgetown. I now (probably) know what (most of) my future holds (for the next 6 weeks). Last time I saw Dr Giaccone, he…