In the big picture, which is sometimes hard to see, it hasn’t been such a bad week. As far as we know, the cancer has not progressed, and I’m still alive. But who am I kidding? This has been a bad week. The week that makes you appreciate all the other weeks. If every day…
I Will Reach Delta Platinum Status for 2019 By Fall*
That’s my lead. I’m more of an instant gratification girl, so I like to use benchmarks for longterm projects, of which I am one. I also count songs when I run or take a punishing gym class (every song brings me an average of four minutes closer to the end). And when I used to…
This one’s about the Capital A
I am an athlete. In my life, I’ve been a better athlete, but never a worse one than I am right now. And yet, in my heart, I am still an athlete. This is written without an ounce of self pity or complaining or wistfulness (well, maybe a little of that). I am telling you…
I’m in
Usually that phrase means I’m about to launch myself into another adventure. This time, it means that my CT scan says this complicated multi-component trial that I’m in seems to be working. Dr Thomas says he and the radiologist agree that most of the disease is stable and that some jaggedy edges in my lung…
Cycle 4, Day 15
Good grief, where have I been? I just checked, and I haven’t posted an update (besides the video cheater) in six weeks. That’s actually good news. With the exception of a few gnarly days at the beginning of my last Olaparib cycle, life has been, dare I say it, “normal.” I even flew to Orlando…
YES! (Say it With Me)
I know I’ve been slack in posting posts, but in this case anyway, no news is good news. I’ll have a more in-depth report in a few days when I go back to Bethesda.. But for now, I stopped in at the new offices of my very good friends at Growing Bolder, and we made…